Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Links

I'm back in Maryland, so back to the routine I go, passing on stories in the news.

From LifeNews, a baby is born after his mother had taken the first pill of a multi-pill abortion drug.

From the Independent Sentinel, the DEA raids NFL teams in response to a civil lawsuit.

In the National Review Online, Matthew Continetti warns that executive amnesty for present illegal aliens will invite the next wave of illegal aliens.

From Politico, support for Obamacare hits a new low.

From Legal Insurrection, a British scientist who worked on the successful comet-bound Rosetta project has come under attack from feminists because of his shirt - which had been given to him by a woman.

From Reuters, Japan's economy unexpectedly slips into recession, causing their prime minister to consider delaying a sales tax increase and calling a "snap election".

From UPI, British and American industries are trying to improve aircraft wing technology.

From The Weekly Standard, the Supreme Court announces that they will hear King v. Burwell.

From Criminal Justice News, an alleged leader of a Mexican drug cartel has been extradited to the United States.

From CNS News, a high school in Virginia, in a reversal of an earlier decision, allows students to start a pro-life club.

From Real Clear Politics, former President Bill Clinton says, "I never bought this whole lame duck deal."

From Metro, two Australians trying to join ISIS are rejected for being too fat.  (via Breitbart London)

From Fox News, police are bracing themselves for possible violence in response to the upcoming Grand Jury decision on whether to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

From The Daily Caller, the chief of the EPA says that the current pause in global warming "doesn't represent climate".

From ABC News, Pope Francis has confirmed that he will visit Philadelphia.

And from the New York Post, women can now get a boob job that lasts 24 hours.

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